Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, characterized by degenerative changes of the cartilage structure of disks and the base os. The pathology manifests itself especially after 30 years.

The symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis may be different, which will make it very difficult the process of diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
Characteristic of the disease
Cervical spine is composed of vertebrae and nerve endings. Osteochondrosis this area is formed during the renaissance intervertebral the nucleus. When you do this pathology affects the nerves are important and the blood vessels.
The disease is well disguised under other violations, as well as the symptoms of the degenerative disease of the disk are characterized by attacks of headache, as well as the significant aspect of the discomfort in the neck. Patients complain of problems with the pressure and nausea. Often many confuse the signs of heart disease and blood vessels.
Often, on the background of the problems occurring on the sick begins to disappear, and the shortage of air and the numbness of the tongue. Mostly the disease is diagnosed in persons over the age of 30 years, which is associated to constant dynamic and static loads. Recently, these violations are observed even in adolescents.
The degree of development
The symptoms and treatment of cervical osteoarthritis depend on the degree of development of the disease. The first phase is broken, the nutrition of the cartilage, which results in the production of specific enzymes, different devastating effects. The person feels the discomfort. Get rid of these symptoms will help you in the daily gymnastics.
In a second phase, the deleterious effects of the pathological enzymes is constantly growing, and in the body begins to develop inflammation. The Cartilage tissue is gradually widening, after which the vertebrae begin to touch, zadamlya the nerve endings. Painful sensations economic more pronounced. The person becomes very difficult to work with.
In the third degree begin to form the institute and of the growths on the bone tissue. The symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis in this case, manifested in the form of intense pain. Disorders of the metabolism, therefore, on the spine, in the area of the leak of the inflammation, begin to accumulate salt. Begins the process of ossification of the vertebrae, which leads to a development prepare somebody to do intervertbral of the hernia.

Is not always possible to immediately determine the stage of the disease according to the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis, and the degree of tissue destruction may not be available featured.
The causes of
Before determining the symptoms and treatment of cervical osteoarthritis, it is essential to understand the factors in which the water to be treated on the education of a pathological process. The development of the disease affect pathological and physiological processes, which are closely related to and are primarily treated together.
The physiological changes may be caused irreversible of the age of the process in the cartilage tissue. The discomfort occurs when the stimulation of the nerve endings. The pathological changes occur as the result of a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. Mainly these violations occur in adolescents and middle-aged people.
In some cases, back pain can pass by themselves or manifests itself in the form of brief violations. Among the main triggering factors need to emphasize the following points:
- the lack of regular exercise;
- excess weight;
- the frequent exposure in an uncomfortable position;
- correctly chosen a pillow or a mattress;
- nervous power surges;
- hypothermia;
- the wounds of the nape of the neck and of the neck.
The cause of the development of the degenerative disease of the discs can become birth defects, as well as the nature of autoimmune disease.
The main symptomatology

In the region of the neck, you will find many blood vessels and nerve endings. It is for this reason, the symptoms of the degenerative disease disk cervical and thoracic related to ischemia of the individual sections of the brain. In addition, the nerve endings, ensuring the locomotor activity and the sensitivity of the shoulder girdle and the upper limbs when the pressure dtruit the vertebrae can cause different manifestations. The symptoms and treatment of cervical osteoarthritis depends largely on the nature of the system by a pathological process. In particular, we can distinguish these signs:
- the violation of the microcirculation of the blood when the pressure of the board of trustees of the vertebral arteries;
- signs of nerve damage;
- heavy-neurotic pathology in advanced cases.
The first symptom is the cervico-thoracic degenerative disc disease of the spine is the presence of a pain in the neck, the nape of the neck and the region. The location of the pain may be more extensive, causing severe headaches. The nature of the pain depends on the injury and the extent of the severity of the leak of the pathology. On the very early stages of development of the disease the discomfort can quickly go gradually out of the pain acquired chronic, painful nature. In the period of exacerbation of the pain is throbbing, increases the tone of the muscles of the neck and there is a limitation of the movements of the head.
Among the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis in women and men, you can select the availability of the ringing and noise in the ears, and impotence. In some cases, we observe a deterioration of the hearing. All these manifestations are related to the decrease in the circulation of the blood.
Also one of the major signs are the following:
- dizziness,
- the differences of pressure,
- the lack of air,
- nausea,
- the violation of the order.
Dizziness are considered as one of the symptoms of the cervico-thoracic degenerative disc disease. They are packaged in violation of the inflow of blood to the organs ensuring the balance of the body. The lack of air can be attributed to the irritation of the nerve endings involved in regulating the process of breathing. Patients often complain that they can't breathe. In some cases, the symptomatology is exacerbated at strong dyspnea or bouts of choking.
The lack of oxygen bound to the violation of breathing, is the main cause of fatigue, decreased attention and memory problems. In some cases, there may be nausea, which is due to violation of the circulation of certain parts of the brain. Sometimes, it can be accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine are manifested in the form of the deterioration of visual acuity. However, such a violation occurs fairly rarely. It is to be noted that the sport outfit and the glasses do not give the desired result, and the vision will improve only after treatment of degenerative disc disease.

The instability of the pressure due to the violation of the blood circulation in the area of the brain responsible for the functioning vaso-skeletal centre. In some cases, it can be observed a slight increase of the local temperature, redness of the skin.
It is very important to detect the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis. A feeling of discomfort and pain occurs not always, that is why it is essential to conduct a comprehensive review and responsible for the treatment. It is important to note that every patient is observed to chew and clicks during the conduct of the nape of the neck and it is on this basis, one can recognize the progress of the pathology.
If you are experiencing symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis treatment should begin immediately, that is why it is advisable to immediately consult a neurologist. To determine the cause of the features available necessarily need a full review.
During the inspection of the holding of the neurological tests the doctor assesses the degree of mobility and the pain in the neck, as well as the characteristics of the blood flow in the vertebral artery. Among the main diagnostic methods, it is necessary to distinguish the following:
- the x-ray of the vertebrae of the cervical spine,
- discography,
- tomography,
- myelography,
- the doppler ultrasound.
All of this will determine the location of the lesions and the degree of neglect of the disease, as well as choose the most efficient treatment regimen. The treatment process is quite long and requires patience.
Restaurateur entirely cartilaginous structure it is impossible, however, there is the opportunity to significantly improve the quality of life and get rid of the chronic pain. It is very important to follow the progress of the disease, if necessary, adjust the program healing and to provide the improvements or complications.
Characteristic of the treatment
Outside the function of the symptoms, the treatment of cervical osteoarthritis is carried out using methods that are conservative, and it is always complex. Requires the application of drugs, in particular:
- the anti-inflammatory,
- sedatives,
- corticosteroids,
- muscle relaxants
- a vitamin complex.

In severe cases prescribe novocaine blockade in the area of the greatest sensitivity. Sometimes, it can be shown that the introduction of hormonal methods. In addition, as indicated in the topical treatment, which involves the use of heating ointments and gels. A good effect of physiotherapy, and physiotherapy. These methods allow very quick and effective way to strengthen the muscles of the neck. However, their application is possible only after reduction of the acute period.
To increase the level between the vertebrae shows the material stretching of the spine. In severe cases, it is necessary to perform a surgery, but for what should be the indications.
The therapy can be completed by wearing orthopedic collar Gap. Thanks to a solid anchoring of the cervical vertebrae treatment is more rapid. This device allows you to quickly process the painful feelings, to normalize the blood circulation in the neck region and improve the well-being of the patient.
Drug therapy
According to the symptoms of the cervico-thoracic treatment of degenerative disc disease medicinal drugs drugs individually. The therapy aims to eliminate the pain, inflammation, as well as the return of normal mobility pozvonkam and blood circulation.
Among the main groups of drugs should emphasize the following points:
- analgesics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- chondroprotectors;
- muscle relaxants — relaxes muscles and apply as aid for the elimination of the pain;
- vitamins.
Need tools for outdoor application that you can use in the form of ointments and gels. Good results have "Nurofen" and "Voltaren". They help to normalize the blood circulation, eliminate the pain and cramps, and produce the heating effect.
Help eliminate the symptoms of cervical arthritis of the spine treatment, sanofi-cerebral blood circulation. To improve the metabolic processes in the brain, as well as the restoration of the thought and the memory required smart drugs of the tool.
Physiotherapy of the methodology
Quickly and effectively will help you eliminate the symptoms of cervical arthritis home treatment with the gymnastics. In addition to the PHYSIOTHERAPY and the application of medicines, in a set of activities are the following methods of exposure:

- stretching of the spine,
- massage,
- physiotherapy from the impact.
The stretching of the spine, will increase the intervals between the vertebrae. However, it should be noted that the load must be balanced. The impact is achieved in different ways, in particular thanks to the table.
Very good results gives the massage. Such procedure normalizes the blood circulation, food and gas the cartilage. In addition, with the help of massage, you can eliminate the overexertion of the muscles, and cramps, to get rid of the pain.
Physiotherapeutic impact involves the use of various means such as:
- laser effect,
- a magnetic field
- ultrasound,
- low-frequency current.
In some cases, are also used as medicines and in a complex with physiotherapy impact, which improves efficiency and helps to prevent the occurrence of side effects.
Acupuncture helps to strengthen or more to slow down the process in the body because of the impact on the acupressure points. The highest efficiency of all these measures is reached when the integrated application of the.
Popular of the methodology
At the onset of the first symptoms of cervical arthritis home treatment involves the application of the healing baths, allowing to quickly eliminate pain and inflammation. In addition, they promote the relaxation of the spine. The treatment of the water must pass through the day, and the course of therapy is 15-20 procedures.
In the water of the bath, you can add a decoction of mint, chamomile, birch, lemon balm or sage. For the reception inside of the aveyron infusion of yarrow, because it allows you to quickly eliminate the inflammation, pain and spasms. As a poultice, you can use a solution of sea salt. Quickly and helps eliminate the symptoms of cervical arthritis home treatment, but prior to the application of all the means and methods necessarily need to consult the doctor in order to prevent the occurrence of complications.
The conduct of the prevention

The best method of prevention is a healthy lifestyle, as well as the training of the posture of the small child. With an objective of prevention, it is recommended that:
- the adjustment of the power supply;
- the use of the prosthesis cushions and mattresses to sleep;
- gently lift weights.
The form of the development of the disease is essentially not expressed in the symptomatology. In case of pain whine of the nature of the sternum should immediately consult a physician.